“How still the evening is, as hush’d on purpose to grace harmony!”
(Much Ado About Nothing, 2.3)
| In this issue:

“Seek anew some fresher stamp of the time-bettering days.”
(Sonnet LXXXII)
| Onwards into 2021
Happy New Year from the Repercussion Team! We’re back at it, if still not physically in the office – and we’re very excited for 2021. There are new works and projects slated to roll out this year, and the prospect of reconnecting with our audience-community is absolutely thrilling. Stay tuned for news about upcoming events!

“Come, stir, stir, stir! The curfew-bell hath rung.”
(Romeo and Juliet, 4.4) |
| Curfew Trivia from the Bard, Stratford and Literary History
For bilingual folk, the lexical slip between couvre-feu and curfew might not be all that obscure, but the social and textual traditions around the concept of a curfew are rich and interesting. For those quiet evenings that we might find ourselves having over the next few weeks, here are some readings about curfews, citing Shakespeare, his home town, and the English literary-cultural fabric.
- Andy Hollandbeck’s lexical exploration: “In a Word: Breaking Down Curfew”, from The Saturday Evening Post
- A bit of material-culture history from the Stratford Town Trust: “Ring out the old, ring in the new”
- For the slightly more academically-minded, a read about “Literature and Time in the Eighteenth Century and the Romantic Period” by Marcus Tomalin (of particular note, the section on “The Curfew Bell”)
- Finally, a gem from a January 1889 edition of the Press Democrat (published in Santa Rosa California) – a reprint from the London Standard regarding “The Curfew Bell – Something About Its Origins and Uses in Olden Times”

“That it may grow and sprput as high as heaven.”
(Henry IV Part II, 2.3) |
| Sprouts, Snacks and Subjectivity
In the winter months, it can be a touch tricky to source as many fresh greens as we might like – as an alternative, and perhaps a timely one, as most of us are more consistently at home these days, why not grow a few sprouts? And while you’re waiting for those greens to germinate – here’s an article about some lesser-known foodstuffs in the Bard’s opus, including a link to an article describing the process of comfit-making.
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