Repercussion Welcomes: Artistic Associate Shanti Gonzales

Welp, my coffee’s finally gone cold and I’m driving my new office-mates nuts with my leg-jiggling, so I guess it’s time to write this blog post. Hello! Greetings! My name is Shanti Gonzales. I’m an Indian-Mexican-American theatremaker, living in Montréal. I’m an...

Thank you to the Birks Family Foundation!

Because of a generous donation by the Birks Family Foundation this year, we were able to purchase equipment and items that went a long way to making our tour more efficient and effective. We purchased 6 road cases, two sets of work lights, a mini generator, two sturdy...

Shakespeare-in-the-Park 2017: Much Ado About Nothing

Posted on August 1, 2017. Written by Sinj Karan Holly Gauthier-Frankel and Quincy Armorer. Photo By ©StudioBaronPhoto Set around the love lives of Benedick, Beatrice, Hero and Claudio, this is one of the mid-career plays by the Bard, whose use of mistaken identity,...