A Midwinter's Dream: It takes a village!

It’s that time of year again: time for our Midwinter’s Dream Holiday Campaign! The time of year where we reach out to you, our village, to celebrate the seasons past and dream about the summers ahead…
At Repercussion Theatre, we often say “It takes a village” and it’s true. Theatre doesn’t happen without the dedication and energy of many, many people. From onstage, off-stage, in the audience and behind-the-scenes, Repercussion relies on the support and participation of our entire “village,” which of course includes YOU. In return, we hope that we bring you joy, wonder, excitement, magic, and some thoughtful questions; but most of all, we hope that we bring people together.
This holiday season we are hoping to raise $8,000 which will go towards the development and success of next summer’s Shakespeare-in-the-Park tour. Producing and touring professional theatre to communities across Montreal and Quebec, without ever charging for a single ticket is a herculean effort — and individual donations are an integral part of that effort. Every donation, no matter how big or small, plays an integral role in hiring artists and support staff, funding our tour, and keeping the spirit of live professional theatre alive!
Of course, donations aren’t the only support we value! Our village also includes volunteers, board members, staff, park representatives, audiences and many others who share their time and talent to support us in what we do. As part of this year’s campaign, we’re highlighting some of those who make Shakespeare-in-the-Park possible. We’ll be sharing quotes and photos from them on social media, so be sure to follow along. We also invite you to share your own stories about why you want Repercussion to remain part of your village. Post a photo of you at one of our shows and a quote about why Repercussion matters to you, and tag us on your favourite socials platform! Or email us at comms@repercussiontheatre.com. At the end of the campaign, we’ll select two lucky villagers (one who donates and one who shares a photo/quote) to receive a VIP package for next summer’s Shakespeare-in-the-Park show!
Thank you for being a part of our village. We know that together we will continue to make accessible and impactful theatre more than just a midwinter’s dream.
Contribute, & follow the Campaign here!
See how Repercussion
has kickstarted careers:
At Repercussion Theatre, we’re so proud to have kickstarted so many careers in Montréal theatre and beyond. Over the years, hundreds of promising young theatre-makers have gotten their professional start with us and then gone off to continue doing amazing things. In this video, you’ll hear from Dakota Jamal Wellman, Danielle Laurin, Aura Carolina Vasquez Rodriguez, Jake Cohen, Qianna MacGilchrist, and our very own outgoing AD, Amanda Kellock (who yes, got HER start with Repercussion, too!)When you donate to our Holiday Campaign (or any time you give) you help ensure we can kickstart the next generation of careers!
The video includes music by Troy Slocum from 2017’s production of Much Ado About Nothing.
See our previous Kickstarting Careers videos:
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order) are:
Karen Angle
Deena Aziz
Kenzia Dalie
Joe DePaul
Ray Jacildo
Karine Kerr-Gillespie
The video includes music by Kristie Ibrahim
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order) are:
Laurence Dauphinais
Marie-France Labbé
Oivier Lamarche
Anton May
Julie Tamiko-Manning
Rebecca Singh
Shauna Thompson
The video includes music by Evan Stepanian, originally created for our production of Measure for Measure in 2019
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order):
Quincy Armorer
Stephanie Baptist
Crystal Chettiar
Bruce Dinsmore
Leah Doz
Sophie El Assaad
Rick Miller
Elaine Normandeau
The video includes music by Troy Slocum, originally created for our production of Much Ado About Nothing in 2017
Featured in this video (in alphabetical order):
Jessica B Hill
Alain Goulem
Monika Herédi
Matthew Kabwe
James Lavoie
Cat Lemieux
Jamie Robinson
Antoine Yared